Wednesday, December 31

Welcome 2015!

Just because it's starting to get really noisy everywhere (sign that the year is about to end) let me have a quick stroll on my memory lane of this year. 

I must say it was indeed a roller coaster ride for me, full of ups and downs. Endings and new beginnings. I took some chances and made decisions strongly based on my personal desire. I realized that if I keep getting scared of all the bad possibilities I will be stuck forever. I only had two options, stagnate or move forward. And of course, the choice should be obvious. Set aside the pros and cons and just look straight at the goal ahead. 

It was probably the most liberating experience ever, given a big responsibility of having other people relying on me. I had a lot of things to consider and my decisions will not be for my sole interest.  But at the end of the day, it's really true that your faith should be bigger than your fears. You just have to believe, and I did!

Then I embrace new beginnings. Met new people, be in a different environment, new industry, new time zone (haha!). The thing with new ventures, is that you get to discover something about yourself that will surprise you. You will be caught in circumstances that will lead you to another step to self discovery. Just when I thought I knew myself very well, I would then realize that I don't, yet.  And of course, I am grateful for all the new learnings. 

This year, I've been through great whirlwind of emotions as well. Full of highs and lows. One day I was at my very optimistic self but there are days when I almost think that nothing could possibly turn out right. I had so much pity for myself and I am so wrecked that I feel so hopeless. But as the line goes - "This too shall pass", it surely did! You just gotta be strong enough and have faith that everything will be okay.

Throughout the tough times, I just prayed. Now that everything is getting better, I still pray.  Always, always be grateful for what life has to offer.

And thus, this year will end positively for me. I have to wave goodbye for all the experiences of 2014 and face 2015 with a big smile. As we embark a new beginning, start everything with a stronger faith.

My goal for this year... just make everything about my life so much better! Vague, isn't it? Haha!

Seriously, I am still working on my list. To be honest, still had a lot of things from my 2014 list to be carried over. Sounds like a lot of work, huh.

So...CHEERS TO 2015!!!!

Sunday, December 14

A year older

It's the 13th of December, 11:59 pm.
And then the clock hits 12, and I am officially 24! 
Yay! It's a happy birthday!

Yes, birthdays should always be happy. 
When God has given me another year to live and enjoy life, then how can I not be happy and grateful for that?

Just look how time flies. I just turned 24 and I am almost halfway to the twenty something period of my existence. 

I remember looking back at myself when I was in high school and how I look up to those mid 20s yuppies as if they are so old and they have figured out everything about life already. But now, I just wanna go back in time and tell my thirteen year old self to not be intimidated by 24 year olds,my words would be: "trust me they can be as immature as you are right now. They are still confused of what they wanna do in life, they are as carefree as you are, though the difference is, by their age it doesn't seem okay anymore. Some of them are settling for a job only because it pays the bill, not because it's their calling and something they love to do. They don't have everything they want out of life yet. And that's what you will be 10 years from now, so don't rush. Enjoy your high school and do not worry about the future too much coz when you get there, trust me, you have a lot of things to be worried about".

Btw, this movie lines from Reality Bites is so effin true!

Haha, #bitterness.

But seriously, we really cannot tell what lies ahead in the future. 
Only God knows.
And I still prefer to live without regrets or 'could have beens', instead treat those experiences as lessons learned.

I'm here already and I am just so grateful for another year that I was blessed with.
Thankful for all the experiences and looking forward for the upcoming years.

I will just keep on holding on to my dreams no matter what.
And embrace life with all it's twist and turns.

C'est la vie! Just live and love it!

Just sharing some words from my favorite actress:

I'm a person who gets better with practice. 
Getting older is awesome - because you get more practice.
-Zooey Deschanel

and also, this picture of me inspired by her New Girl character - Jess! hahaha!
