Sunday, September 21

It is just a matter of FAITH

I truly believe in the power of dreams.

I always thought that my optimism is my glorifying strength. I have always been very proud of it. 
Then for some unexpected reason, there was a time in my life that I felt like I evolved into a different person.
I was pre-occupied by negative possibilities, losing hope and starting to question my choices.

Never did it crossed my mind that I'd be someone who will get into that state. But life is full of surprises, what you thought could never happen will suddenly struck you just when you are so unprepared about it.

And it sucks! Big time.
I hated myself for that. It is so hard to fight the feeling and bringing back my hopeful and optimistic self. 
There are people around me giving encouraging words and I truly appreciate their gestures. But at the end of the day, no matter how many of them will urge me to do one thing, if I am not willing to, it will never happen. The driving force will always be within me. 

And then I prayed. I felt so weak at that time and I needed clarity. I know God can help for He was always the guiding light that will bring me to the right path.

And then clarity came. It made me think again why I started. What I'm aiming for. Why I'm  doing the things I do now.
The answers were enough to put me back in to my normal state. I thought about my dreams. Just the vision of having a dream come true lifted my spirits up.

How could I let myself down when I should be holding on to my dreams?

Yes, there may be tough times then be tougher! Never, ever lose hope.
Keep fighting and always keep the faith.
Maintain a positive outlook to attract positive outcomes as well.
And when it seems like things are starting to get confusing, just talked to Him.
He will give you the peace to think things through and realize all the right purpose and reasons.
That's what I did.
So now, I am feeling so much better. All hopeful and optimistic.

I feel so alive. Thank's to my dreams and my faith that those will not remain just dreams.
