Wednesday, December 31

Welcome 2015!

Just because it's starting to get really noisy everywhere (sign that the year is about to end) let me have a quick stroll on my memory lane of this year. 

I must say it was indeed a roller coaster ride for me, full of ups and downs. Endings and new beginnings. I took some chances and made decisions strongly based on my personal desire. I realized that if I keep getting scared of all the bad possibilities I will be stuck forever. I only had two options, stagnate or move forward. And of course, the choice should be obvious. Set aside the pros and cons and just look straight at the goal ahead. 

It was probably the most liberating experience ever, given a big responsibility of having other people relying on me. I had a lot of things to consider and my decisions will not be for my sole interest.  But at the end of the day, it's really true that your faith should be bigger than your fears. You just have to believe, and I did!

Then I embrace new beginnings. Met new people, be in a different environment, new industry, new time zone (haha!). The thing with new ventures, is that you get to discover something about yourself that will surprise you. You will be caught in circumstances that will lead you to another step to self discovery. Just when I thought I knew myself very well, I would then realize that I don't, yet.  And of course, I am grateful for all the new learnings. 

This year, I've been through great whirlwind of emotions as well. Full of highs and lows. One day I was at my very optimistic self but there are days when I almost think that nothing could possibly turn out right. I had so much pity for myself and I am so wrecked that I feel so hopeless. But as the line goes - "This too shall pass", it surely did! You just gotta be strong enough and have faith that everything will be okay.

Throughout the tough times, I just prayed. Now that everything is getting better, I still pray.  Always, always be grateful for what life has to offer.

And thus, this year will end positively for me. I have to wave goodbye for all the experiences of 2014 and face 2015 with a big smile. As we embark a new beginning, start everything with a stronger faith.

My goal for this year... just make everything about my life so much better! Vague, isn't it? Haha!

Seriously, I am still working on my list. To be honest, still had a lot of things from my 2014 list to be carried over. Sounds like a lot of work, huh.

So...CHEERS TO 2015!!!!

Sunday, December 14

A year older

It's the 13th of December, 11:59 pm.
And then the clock hits 12, and I am officially 24! 
Yay! It's a happy birthday!

Yes, birthdays should always be happy. 
When God has given me another year to live and enjoy life, then how can I not be happy and grateful for that?

Just look how time flies. I just turned 24 and I am almost halfway to the twenty something period of my existence. 

I remember looking back at myself when I was in high school and how I look up to those mid 20s yuppies as if they are so old and they have figured out everything about life already. But now, I just wanna go back in time and tell my thirteen year old self to not be intimidated by 24 year olds,my words would be: "trust me they can be as immature as you are right now. They are still confused of what they wanna do in life, they are as carefree as you are, though the difference is, by their age it doesn't seem okay anymore. Some of them are settling for a job only because it pays the bill, not because it's their calling and something they love to do. They don't have everything they want out of life yet. And that's what you will be 10 years from now, so don't rush. Enjoy your high school and do not worry about the future too much coz when you get there, trust me, you have a lot of things to be worried about".

Btw, this movie lines from Reality Bites is so effin true!

Haha, #bitterness.

But seriously, we really cannot tell what lies ahead in the future. 
Only God knows.
And I still prefer to live without regrets or 'could have beens', instead treat those experiences as lessons learned.

I'm here already and I am just so grateful for another year that I was blessed with.
Thankful for all the experiences and looking forward for the upcoming years.

I will just keep on holding on to my dreams no matter what.
And embrace life with all it's twist and turns.

C'est la vie! Just live and love it!

Just sharing some words from my favorite actress:

I'm a person who gets better with practice. 
Getting older is awesome - because you get more practice.
-Zooey Deschanel

and also, this picture of me inspired by her New Girl character - Jess! hahaha!


Sunday, November 30


by Og Mandino & Buddy kaye

Turn away from the crowd and its fruitless pursuit of fame and gold.

Never look back as you close your door to the sorry tumult of greed and ambition. Wipe away your tears of failure and misfortune. Lay aside your heavy load and rest until your heart is still.

Be at peace. Already, it is later than you think, for your earthly life at best is only a blink of an eye between two eternities.

Be unafraid. Nothing here can harm you except yourself. Do that which you dread, and cherish those victories with pride.

Concentrate your energy. To be everywhere is to be nowhere. Be jealous of your time since it is your greatest treasure.

Reconsider your goals. Before you set your heart too much on anything, examine how happy they are who already possess what you desire.

Love your family and count your blessings. Reflect on how eagerly they would be sought if you did not have them.

Put aside your impossible dreams and complete the tasks at hand no matter how distasteful. All great achievements come from working and waiting. Be patient. God's delays are never God's denials. 

Hold on. Hold Fast. Know that your paymaster is always near. What you sow, good or evil, that you will reap. Never blame your condition on others. You are what you are through your choice alone.

Learn to live with honest poverty, if you must, and turn to more important matters than transporting gold to your grave.

Never meet troubles halfway. Anxiety is the rust of life. When you add tomorrow's burdens to today's, they become unbearable. Avoid the mourner's bench and give thanks instead for your defeats. You would not receive them if you did not need them.

Always learn from others. He who teaches himself has a fool for a master. Be careful.

Do not overload your conscience. Conduct your life as if it was spent in an arena full of tattlers.

Avoid boasting. If you see anything that puffs you with your pride, look closer and you will find more than enough to make you humble.

Be wise. Realize that all men are not created equal for there is no equality in nature. Yet no man was ever born whose work was not born with him. Work everyday as if it was your first, yet tenderly treat the lives you touch as if they will all end at midnight.

Love everyone, even those who deny you for hate is a luxury you cannot afford. Seek out those in need. Learn that he who delivers with one head will always gather with two.

Be of good cheer. Above all, remember that very little is needed to make a happy life. Look up. Reach out. Cling simply to God and journey quietly on our pathway to forever with charity and a smile. When you depart it will be said by all that your legacy was a better world than the one you found.

I first found out about this when I was in high school and was captivated by the words right at that very moment. I cannot recall how many times I have read it since then. This poem is just filled with so much thoughts worth pondering. I do memorize some phrases here by heart and I actually considered them to be my life's motto.
I think I better read some books by Og Mandino now (why haven't I thought of that before? hmmmm).


Wednesday, November 12

Bonjour from Mixin' Bowl

From the very first time I saw this little cafe along SM City Sky Garden with macarons & enticing cakes displayed outside, it left me so curious and interested.
Not to mention the what seems so cozy interior with Eiffel Tower in the background, I swear I really wanted to get inside and try.

I am totally loving the very cute background!
♥ Macarons 
I always see these colorful sweets on  a lot posts online, especially in Tumblr,
I almost forgot I can actually eat 'em!

They serve coffee frappes, and lemonades as well.
I actually ordered for Pink Lemonade but since it's not available that time, I just tried their Cookies n' Cream, though I don't like anything with coffee.

Not being biased here. But I must say this is my favorite out of all! Not because it's Pink but it is really good. They named this flavor - Rose. Truly a must try!

Mixin' Bowl Menu

Cozy place and good chat with friends. Nothing can be more perfect. 
Thanks Mixin' Bowl, will definitely come back :)

Sunday, September 21

It is just a matter of FAITH

I truly believe in the power of dreams.

I always thought that my optimism is my glorifying strength. I have always been very proud of it. 
Then for some unexpected reason, there was a time in my life that I felt like I evolved into a different person.
I was pre-occupied by negative possibilities, losing hope and starting to question my choices.

Never did it crossed my mind that I'd be someone who will get into that state. But life is full of surprises, what you thought could never happen will suddenly struck you just when you are so unprepared about it.

And it sucks! Big time.
I hated myself for that. It is so hard to fight the feeling and bringing back my hopeful and optimistic self. 
There are people around me giving encouraging words and I truly appreciate their gestures. But at the end of the day, no matter how many of them will urge me to do one thing, if I am not willing to, it will never happen. The driving force will always be within me. 

And then I prayed. I felt so weak at that time and I needed clarity. I know God can help for He was always the guiding light that will bring me to the right path.

And then clarity came. It made me think again why I started. What I'm aiming for. Why I'm  doing the things I do now.
The answers were enough to put me back in to my normal state. I thought about my dreams. Just the vision of having a dream come true lifted my spirits up.

How could I let myself down when I should be holding on to my dreams?

Yes, there may be tough times then be tougher! Never, ever lose hope.
Keep fighting and always keep the faith.
Maintain a positive outlook to attract positive outcomes as well.
And when it seems like things are starting to get confusing, just talked to Him.
He will give you the peace to think things through and realize all the right purpose and reasons.
That's what I did.
So now, I am feeling so much better. All hopeful and optimistic.

I feel so alive. Thank's to my dreams and my faith that those will not remain just dreams.


Sunday, June 29

Keep Calm and Watch Movies

Being part of a techie generation, there are definitely a lot of gadgets that could keep us well entertained. With a lot of things going on online and how most of us are so hooked with different social networking sites, it will surely be hard to get bored. But you know what I prefer more entertaining? Movie time! Hanging out with friends for a movie date or curl up in a couch or bed, get some chips and watch a great film at the comfort of your own home. There are just a lot of good movies out there worth watching :)

If you will ask me this..

What movie made you fall in love with watching movies?"

Here it is...

The Parent Trap.

A film released in 1998 about twin sisters Hallie and Annie who were separated from each other when their parents divorced. Hallie lives in California with her Dad who is into wine business while Annie moved to London with her mom who is now a famous designer. 
The two accidentally met in a summer camp and noticed right away that they looked alike but then ignored it. They didn't get along very well at first, in fact they did mean tricks toward each other until they were punished and sent into an isolation cabin where they stayed together for a few days. That is where they discovered  that they are actually long lost sisters. 

The two came up with a decision of switching homes since both of them are dying to meet each others parent and would love to spend time with them. They did everything to look exactly the same and taught each other all they need to know before switching places.

 And so when the camp ended, Hallie went home to London as Annie and meet her mom for the first time, while Annie went to California as Hallie and see her dad. 

They also came up with a plan of convincing their parents to get back together again. Everything is going really well until they found at that their Dad is planning to marry a younger girl named Meredith, that's when they came up with a plan of setting up the meeting of their parents. Hallie confessed everything to her mom and flew to California. And so their parents met again after 11 years but it seems like both of them aren't planning to be together again until the twins joined their Dad and his girlfriend for a hike where they played tricks on Meredith making her so angry to the point that she asked him to choose between his daughters or her. Their Dad chose the twins and so she walked out of his life.

  When Annie and her Mom went back home in London, they were surprised to see that Hallie and her Dad were there as well. They secretly followed them thinking that he don't wanna lose her again. And so, they ended up together again and their family is now happy and complete.

Done with my story telling. Now to the personal stuff.

Why I chose this in particular? 

Well, this is probably one of the first foreign films that I remembered very well (next to Titanic I guess, that tragic story would be so hard to forget). During those times, I am that type of girl who was so hooked with all those cartoons. But when I saw The Parent Trap for the first time, I fell in love with it so much. The story that mainly tackles about reuniting a family is very touching. It is also filled with a lot of funny scenes that will surely entertain you. Annie and Hallie became very unforgettable characters for me and I adored them from then on. It became my eye opener for loving foreign films. 

Let me list down some reasons why I totally love it!

When Annie get out of that black limo, I admired how prim and proper she looked like. And when she started speaking... ugh! I want to speak like her. 
(No wonder British accent is very appealing to me until now)

This is where I just witnessed the COOLEST hand shake ever! A bit complicated, though.

I never thought being mean sometimes would seem to be a lot of fun and exciting! 
(Okay, this doesn't seem right.. I know
Annie lost in their Poker game so she jumped off the lake, naked.
Hallie and her friends took away all her clothes.

Annie's revenge: Their beds are on the roof. Deal with that Hallie!

This is probably the grandest prank of all! Very well planned.

Uh, oh. Total disaster for Annie and her roomies .
I just proved that you  really can't hide everything! See, these mean girls got busted! 
( But I'd still say it seems a lot of fun!)
Poor Madam.

This movie made me feel like having a sister would be the coolest ever! So I wished, I had one.

The movie reminds me that being a kid doesn't mean you are incapacitated to fight those who were trying to put you off. If I am in their situation I would have done the same, that Cruella De Vil needs to learn her lesson and I need to save my father from her wicked intentions! 
This is very funny, yet gross! Haha

You will always long for a happy and complete family.  I cannot imagine myself being in the situation of the twins, being with one parent only and separated from siblings. It made me realize how blessed I am to be with my family. 

Okay, this is definitely the part of the film that significantly influenced my life. 
Seeing some shots here made me realize how beautiful the other parts of the world are. Right at that moment, I felt a strong desire to see the world. 
And right then, I fell in love with watching movies because it's as if I am travelling already. I get to see places I've never seen before. You get a glimpse of the other wonders God has blessed us with. 
Shots from London and California
And so The Parent Trap made me love watching films especially those with European settings. 

Who would have thought that one particular movie could influence this great dream of mine, which is to travel around the world?  And seeing those on screen made my desire grew even stronger. You know, I think somewhat it would be a help because it made me seem familiar with all those places I've been dying to visit someday. *Fingers crossed*

Btw, here are some of the other movies that are really eye candy! These will surely make you want to travel as well :)

And as I said, there are just a lot of good movies out there and for sure there are more to come! 

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Now, how about you guys?
What movie made you fall in love with watching movies?

 Tell me and you might get a chance to win movie passes! Exciting, right?!