Sunday, September 30


In this bizarre world,
I seek for clarity

In chaos,
I wished for peace

On the crossroad ahead,
I’ve asked for sign

In the darkness,
I keep searching for the light

In misery,
I dreamt for happiness

With all the fears,
I tried to be brave

In rejections,
I insist second chances

In loneliness
I yearn for affection

With once upon a time
There is happily ever after

Friday, September 21

Dear blog


Hello to you my dear blog. I know I don’t visit you often, and I am sorry for that.

I told myself that I will try my best to catch up with you. You must have been bored since my last post seems like a lifetime ago.

I wanted to catch up with you, or maybe it should be the other way around.  It’s you, catching up with what is up on my life.

Some people aren’t really born expressive, people who don’t wear their heart on their sleeves. And I am guilty of that.

I am not the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) type.

I just don’t think expressing everything I feel is necessary at all.

When I am down, I don’t want others to feel the same way. When people do care for you, what you feel can be infectious to them.

I want my joy to be contagious but if it’s the opposite that I feel, I’d rather conceal it so nobody would notice.

Sometimes, I can’t quite understand why I am like that.

So by writing I’m trying to be my most expressive self.

This could be the perfect outlet for my sentiments.

But problem is, when in front of you I’m in outburst of emotions and thoughts, and ends up with none.

Nothing to write L


Don’t you worry dear, I’ll try my best.

But promises are meant to be broken, so I won’t promise then J


Just please bear with me, my dear blog.



with much love,
